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  • Writer's pictureSilvia Russo

Not renewing my registration with AHPRA and what this means moving forward

This is going to be another frank and honest blog (a rambling really).

If you read my previous blog on why I had to give up working in Melbourne, which was a huge decision for me as I had a solid patient base over the 20 years, then reading this blog will make more sense.

I have to get it off my chest (For those who have read my blog on Liver Qi stagnation you know why!).

I have decided to not renew my registration in Chinese medicine with AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency).

This means my patients will no longer get rebates with private health insurance.

I will explain the reason behind my decision.

I understand this may be inconvenient to a small percentage of my patients however my fee structure is quite reasonable compared to other practitioners for what I offer and I aim to keep it this way.

You're lucky to get $17 rebate back with most private health so i don't think its particularly worth it, my opinion.

And with so many people opting out of private health for complementary medicines because of the cost it is not becoming feasible anyway, for some you're best to put that money aside and spend it on the practitioner and treatments you need.

My reason for not renewing my registration mainly comes after what I have witnessed as a practitioner this past year or two with covid and certain experimental injections which have been mandated. Needless to say I have been very concerned about quite a number of patients experiencing serious adverse effects after the vaccine and the medical profession on a whole being very silent on the matter and not willing to acknowledge my patients concerns. Yes they actually are experimental as they are only PROVISIONALLY approved by TGA, as opposed to fully approved which all other drugs on the market are.

I have also have witnessed several medical professionals threatened by AHPRA if they speak up and say anything remotely negative about the experimental injections and therefore they stopped speaking out in fear of loosing their registration. I know of several doctors who have lost their registration because of this. Dr Mark Hobart who practised in Sunshine was one of the very first. This type of medical censorship is not something I want to support. I myself have had an adverse effect after the first vaccine and had two GPs very quiet on the issue and my main GP gaslighted me and dismissed it as anxiety!

I have seen way too many of patients being adversely affected. I can't keep quiet anymore, it's not right. I have also treated a lot of unvaccinated patients too and so have been able to see a contrast. I have not discriminated. As a doctor we were always taught not to, this has been ingrained in our ethics training from day one. What has changed?

I have had many patients who would of preferred to have a choice, whether to get vaccinated or not, in fact a high percentage of my patients and people I talk to generally did not think they warranted a vaccine for covid however they had to pick between keeping their job to feed their family and risk having a provisionally approved vaccine which has got such a poor safety and efficacy profile. (And yes, having a Honours degree in biochemistry allows me to be science literate).

Also hearing from top world renowned virologists such as Geert Vanden Bossche and Luc Montagnier will give you another perspective on the "science."

No I am not an anti vaxxer, I just think these vaccines are really poor in both efficacy and safety).

It is now known that the vaccines are associated with at least a TEN fold risk in myocarditis and pericarditis. It is also known that many presentations of adverse effects in hospitals were not reported by doctors to TGA and I know this first hand as I've had several of my patients experience this. In fact only 5-10 percent of adverse effects from drugs and vaccines are ever reported to TGA or VEARS.

This is totally unacceptable.

What happened to body autonomy?

What happened to critical thinking?

Why was the government so dead set in mandating something not put through the typical vigorous science?

Someone gets food poisoning at a restaurant and the restaurant gets shut down for months!

I was reading an article on yesterday, they interviewed one of the scientists working for Pfizer and she described the making of the covid vaccine as "we flew the aeroplane while we were still building it"

And I say we were all forced along for the ride whether we liked it or not! If not forced, definitely bullied or coerced!

How careless!

We knew the infection fatality rate and average age of death from covid was 80 years old plus. According to the ABS that's the median life expectancy.

I know several nurses and doctors that refused the vaccine and therefore are not working. Yet the vaccine mandates are still in place for all healthcare workers under AHPRA. At least 3 vaccines are required for public health practitioners to work! Some unvaccinated medical professionals I know have got covid and they're all fine now! I have only had the one vaccine due to a serious adverse effect and I got covid 4 weeks after being vaccinated! They certainly don't stop transmission and they do not prevent long covid (if anything, I have not yet treated an unvaccinated patient with long covid) so this mandate is absolute nonsense.

Anyway, at least you now know why I have chosen to vote with my feet and not support AHPRA (which by the way is not even government regulated, so who is keeping an honest account of AHPRA and their integrity!)

And yes I can still practise, I'm not practising illegally, as long as I don't use titles protected by law such as Chinese medicine practitioner. I'm still every bit qualified and have been doing this for 20 years now and intend on keeping up with my continuing professional education and First Aid so nothing else has changed. I will still respect body autonomy like I always have, your body, your choice and I still believe that both practitioner and patient both contribute to decision making when it comes to taking medications, medical procedures or any form of treatment.

For this reason I have also joined AMPS (Australian Professional Medical Society) or Red Union who stand for health practitioners that believe politics should stay out of healthcare. And I'm sure I don't have to explain why that's a good thing!

Look after yourselves! Only you can make informed choices about your body.

If this blog resonates with you, please don't hesitate to contact me. There are things you can do to help yourself if you're willing to take some supplements and change your diet a bit. I have studied nutrition extensively over the past 20 years too and as part of my own personal journey, I have been able to almost reverse my rosacea without relying on medication.

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